Our Commitment to Quality
At U.S. Silica, our mission is to consistently produce the highest-quality products in the industrial minerals industry at all of our plants. Quality is an integral part of how we work and what we do. We create value for our customers by continually innovating our quality systems and processes.

Always Listening, Testing and Improving
We listen to our customers to determine where we mine, what we mine, how we process the materials, what products we develop — and even how we deliver them. An entire U.S. Silica team dedicated to quality works with our R&D teams and our plants to constantly test our incoming sand, ores and finished products. That's how we ensure that the products we ship to thousands of customers globally are always world-class quality.

The U.S. Silica Quality Policy
• Aligning the Quality Management System with the strategic direction of U. S. Silica
• Satisfying customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
• Managing the organization, along with employee-established quality objectives and defined responsibilities for their fulfillment
• Establishing, applying, maintaining and continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System
Consistently Exceeding Quality Standards
We are committed to continued growth and enhancing customer satisfaction with a socially responsible attitude. We identify key quality metrics, measure our performance against them and manage our business to understand and honor the customers’ expectations, while working to meet and exceed quality standards. Many of our diatomaceous earth (DE), perlite, clay and sand facilities are certified to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems Standard.