100+ years of successfully serving foundries.

Wide array of products meet AFS standards
- ISO 9001 registered laboratories ensure product quality and consistency
- Highly packable, narrow particle distribution sands with high silica content
- Long history of high performance in challenging applications
- Ideal for foundry molding and core making applications
Product Selection

Product Selection
Many choices to meet the most exacting specs
- More than 25 grades of round and sub-angular foundry silica sands available
- Blending capabilities create even more size options
- Proven ability to fine-tune grades to create tighter particle size distributions
- Compatibility with all foundry binder systems

Strategically Located Plants
- We’re located near the best available mineral resources
- Multiple plant locations minimize freight costs and speed delivery time
- Diversity of plant locations helps ensures reliable, uninterrupted shipments
The high-purity content of our SIL-CO-SIL ground silica (at least 99.5% Si02) helps ensure consisten...

Durable, high temperature resistant silica additive for countertops and investment casting.

Whole Grain Silica for Foundries
Whole grain silicas specially processed to create high-integrity castings.

Celatom® MN Grades
MN grades are used in agriculture, home & garden, automotive components, ceramic and fertilizer indu...

Celatom® MP Grades
Used in industries like agriculture, oil & gas, fracking, industrial, fertilizer, environmental reme...