Over a century strong.
More than a century of evolution and growth.
In the late 1800s, pioneer Henry Harrison Hunter mined and processed his first sand sample by hand near Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Hunter entered this sand sample in the Chicago World's Fair. He won a blue ribbon and the medal of excellence for the sand's purity. A small plant was built to mine the deposit to produce silica sand for glass manufacturing.
The company as it exists today has undergone many developments over the years, including the merging of the Pennsylvania Glass Sand Corporation and Ottawa Silica Company to form what is now known as U.S. Silica Company. Today, we have more than 27 production facilities across the country. We upgrade our plants and equipment regularly, and invest in our employees to ensure that our knowledge base remains state-of-the-art.
Pennsylvania Glass Sand (PGS) is organized

Ottawa Silica Company (OSC) is formed

PGS acquires Rockwood, Pacific, and Mill Creek
PGS changes its name to U.S. Silica Company
OSC merges with U.S. Silica and acquires Kosse, Dubberly, Hurtsboro and Columbia facilities

Acquires Montpelier, Jackson, and Mauricetown facilities
U.S. Silica bought by Golden Gate Capital
Launched Initial Public Offering

Built new facility in Sparta, WI
U.S. Silica acquires Tyler, TX facility & Sandbox Logistics

U.S. Silica acquires Festus, MO facility
U.S. Silica acquires industrial roofing capability, cool roof granules
U.S. Silica acquires EP Minerals