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Axis® Premium Soil Amendment
The all-natural solution for improving the soil structure of golf courses, landscaping, sports turfs...

Superior as a paint pigment extender and flatting agent in paints and coatings, and as an anti-block...

Uniquely designed for easy handling and application with low dust, less mess and less waste.

The ideal solution for pitch and stickies treatment. Reduce cost due to lower addition rates versus ...

Celatom® for Pool & Spa
The ultimate in water clarification for a pool or spa that truly sparkles. The most efficient dirt r...

Celatom® FP Grades
Celatom® Filter Pink (FP) grades of diatomaceous earth (DE) are calcined and light pink. These grade...

Celatom® FW Grades
Wide range of filtration capabilities and a wide range of particle size removal properties, with a p...

Celatom® MN Grades
MN grades are used in agriculture, home & garden, automotive components, ceramic and fertilizer indu...

Celatom® MP Grades
Used in industries like agriculture, oil & gas, fracking, industrial, fertilizer, environmental reme...

Celatom® MW Grades
Used in an extremely large variety of industries including aircraft, building & construction, plasti...

A highly porous amorphous silica with unique properties, making it an efficient absorbent commonly u...

The unique structure of the diatomite provides Floor-Dry brand diatomaceous earth (DE) greater pore ...

Oil Absorbent DE™
Oil Absorbent DE™ is an all-purpose absorbent diatomaceous earth designed for the quick clean up of ...

A special granular absorbent grade of diatomaceous earth, Trotter™ offers outstanding dust and moist...