Thermally Processed Tennessee Calcium Bentonite
Montmorillonite clay is mined from deposits of calcium bentonite (fuller's earth) found in Tennessee. These “books" of clay platelets are bound together by calcium ions. Montmorillonite clay is thermally processed to produce granular products used as absorbents and carriers in a wide variety of industrial, automotive, sports turf, agricultural and functional additive applications.

BallGame Changer™
Patented infield conditioner designed to last longer, reduce dust and water usage, stay beautiful ba...

Oil Absorbent™
Oil Absorbent™ is an all-purpose absorbent designed for the quick clean up of water, oil, and grease...

Play Ball!® Calcined Clay Infield Conditioner
Our 100% clay standard infield conditioner is designed to provide superior surface performance along...

Play Ball!® Infield Drying Agent
Our 100% clay Play Ball!® Drying Agent can be used to absorb excess moisture of any turf area, infie...

Play Ball!® Mound Clay
The right solution for your pitcher's mound or batter's box, because it provides your players with t...

Safety Absorbent™ & Safe T Sorb®
Premium calcined clay all-purpose absorbents designed for the quick clean up of water, oil and grease.